Appeal --Additional
evidence--Commissioner (Appeals) admitting new evidence after considering facts
and circumstances of case in entirety and validly--Justified--Income-tax Rules,
1962, r. 46A-- ITO v. Bhagwan Dass (Chandigarh) . . . 446
Business expenditure --Capital or revenue expenditure--Assessee running
tutorial institution--Purchase of books for use by students for professional
entrance examinations--Is capital expenditure--Depreciation to be allowed at 60
per cent.--Income-tax Act, 1961, ss. 32, 37-- Brilliant Study Centre v.
Asst. CIT (Cochin) . . . 394
of books and awards--Assessee failing to produce vouchers of purchase of
books--Expenditure to be disallowed--Assessee to furnish details regarding
expenditure on awards--Matter remanded--Income-tax Act, 1961-- Brilliant
Study Centre v. Asst. CIT (Cochin) . . . 394
charges paid to railways--Assessee furnishing certificate regarding nature of
demurrage--Deduction allowable--Income-tax Act, 1961-- ITO v. Bhagwan
Dass (Chandigarh) . . . 446
in cash exceeding specified limit--Finding that single transactions made to
appear as multiple transactions--Payments to be disallowed--Income-tax Act,
1961, s. 40A(3)-- Brilliant Study Centre v. Asst. CIT
(Cochin) . . . 394
on borrowed capital--Interest-free advances--Direction to disallow interest at
same rate charged by bank from assessee--Justified--Income-tax Act, 1961--
ITO v. Bhagwan Dass (Chandigarh) . . . 446
Business income --Remission or cessation of trading
liability--Addition--Unclaimed liabilities--No record of any remission or
cessation of trading liability--Addition to be deleted--Income-tax Act, 1961,
s. 41(1)-- Dy. CIT v. Bax Global India P. Ltd. (Delhi) . .
. 414
Capital gains --Computation--Sale of land--Valuation by stamp valuation authority
applied--Fair market value lower than value adopted by stamp duty authority--Direction
to adopt fair market value--Justified--Income-tax Act, 1961, s. 50C-- ITO
v. Gita Roy (Kolkata) . . . 431
Cash credits --Assessee producing details and creditor confirming loan granted to
assessee--Addition to be deleted--Income-tax Act, 1961, s. 68-- ITO v.
Bhagwan Dass (Chandigarh) . . . 446
--Dividend--Deemed dividend--Advance to shareholder--Advance to company in
which shareholder had substantial interest--Section 2(22)(e) not
applicable--Amount not assessable as deemed dividend--Income-tax Act, 1961, s.
2(22)(e)-- Asst. CIT v. Color Crafts P. Ltd. (Chandigarh)
. . . 419
Depreciation --Assets given on financial lease--Assessing Officer to determine
nature of lease--Different yardstick cannot be adopted for allowing
depreciation and taxing lease rent--Matter remanded--Income-tax Act, 1961, s.
32-- Dy. CIT v. Bax Global India P. Ltd. (Delhi) . . . 414
Double taxation avoidance --Non-resident--Permanent establishment--Exact
period of continuation of activities in India to be ascertained--Matter
remanded--Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between India and Mauritius, art.
5(1), (2)(i)-- GIL Mauritius Holdings Ltd. v. Assistant
Director of Income-tax (International Taxation) (Delhi) . . . 491
--Business income--Remission of liability--Bank--Amount transferred from
inter-branch transaction blocked accounts to reserves through profit and loss
account--Transfer permitted by Reserve Bank of India subject to conditions that
claim in respect of entries should be honoured and amount should not be used
for declaration of dividends--Amount not of revenue nature to begin
with--Amount not assessable under section 41(1)--Income-tax Act, 1961, s.
41(1)-- Punjab National Bank v. Addl. CIT (Delhi) . . .
Income from undisclosed sources --Unexplained sales and expenditure--Addition
based on statement of director recorded by Central excise authorities--Addition
not supported by evidence--Additions not valid--Income-tax Act, 1961-- Asst.
CIT v. A. K. Alloys P. Ltd. (Chandigarh) . . . 424
Interpretation of taxing statutes --Interpretation beneficial to
assessee--Principle applicable to non-residents-- Deputy Director of
Income-tax (International Taxation) v. Solid Works Corporation
(Mumbai) . . . 510
Loss --Set
off--Loss on share transactions--Actual delivery received by agent of
assessee--Loss not speculation loss--Commissioner (Appeals) allowing set off of
loss against other heads of income--Justified--Income-tax Act, 1961, s. 43(5)--
Dy. CIT v. Dr. S. Thilagavathy (Chennai) . . . 506
Non-resident --Income deemed to accrue or arise in India--Double taxation
avoidance--Assessee providing various hotel related services to hotels across
the world--Assessee having no permanent establishment in India--Payments
received not royalty or fees for technical services--Income-tax Act, 1961, s.
9(1)(vii), Explanation 2 --Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between
India and the U. S. A, art. 7-- Deputy Director of Income-tax (International
Taxation) v. Sheraton International Inc. (Delhi) . . . 457
from re-sellers on sale of shrink wrap software--Not royalty but business
income--Non-resident not having permanent establishment in India--Income not
assessable in India--Income-tax Act, 1961, s. 9--Double Taxation Avoidance
Agreement between India and the U. S. A., art. 12(3)-- Deputy Director of
Income-tax (International Taxation) v. Solid Works Corporation
(Mumbai) . . . 510
Revision --Powers of Commissioner--No tax effect--Order cannot be revised--Income-tax
Act, 1961, s. 263-- Punjab Wool Syndicate v. ITO
(Chandigarh) . . . 439
Unexplained income --Unexplained credit entries in capital
account--Assessee furnishing details of remittance--Addition to be
deleted--Income-tax Act, 1961-- ITO v. Bhagwan Dass
(Chandigarh) . . . 446
Taxation Avoidance Agreement between India and Mauritius :
Art. 5(1), (2)(i) --Double taxation
avoidance--Non-resident--Permanent establishment--Exact period of continuation
of activities in India to be ascertained--Matter remanded-- GIL Mauritius
Holdings Ltd. v. Assistant Director of Income-tax (International
Taxation) (Delhi) . . . 491
Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between India and the U. S. A :
Art. 7 --Non-resident--Income
deemed to accrue or arise in India--Double taxation avoidance--Assessee
providing various hotel related services to hotels across the world--Assessee
having no permanent establishment in India--Payments received not royalty or
fees for technical services-- Deputy Director of Income-tax (International
Taxation) v. Sheraton International Inc. (Delhi) . . . 457
Art. 12(3) --Non-resident--Royalty--Payment from re-sellers on sale of shrink wrap
software--Not royalty but business income--Non-resident not having permanent
establishment in India--Income not assessable in India-- Deputy Director of
Income-tax (International Taxation) v. Solid Works Corporation
(Mumbai) . . . 510
Income-tax Act, 1961 :
S. 2(22)(e) --Company--Dividend--Deemed dividend--Advance to shareholder--Advance
to company in which shareholder had substantial interest--Section 2(22)(e) not
applicable--Amount not assessable as deemed dividend-- Asst. CIT v.
Color Crafts P. Ltd. (Chandigarh) . . . 419
S. 9
--Non-resident--Royalty--Payment from re-sellers on sale of shrink wrap
software--Not royalty but business income--Non-resident not having permanent
establishment in India--Income not assessable in India-- Deputy Director of
Income-tax (International Taxation) v. Solid Works Corporation
(Mumbai) . . . 510
S. 9(1)(vii), Explanation 2 --Non-resident--Income deemed to accrue or arise
in India--Double taxation avoidance--Assessee providing various hotel related
services to hotels across the world--Assessee having no permanent establishment
in India--Payments received not royalty or fees for technical services--
Deputy Director of Income-tax (International Taxation) v. Sheraton
International Inc. (Delhi) . . . 457
S. 32
--Depreciation--Assets given on financial lease--Assessing Officer to determine
nature of lease--Different yardstick cannot be adopted for allowing
depreciation and taxing lease rent--Matter remanded-- Dy. CIT v. Bax
Global India P. Ltd. (Delhi) . . . 414
expenditure--Capital or revenue expenditure--Assessee running tutorial
institution--Purchase of books for use by students for professional entrance
examinations--Is capital expenditure--Depreciation to be allowed at 60 per
cent.-- Brilliant Study Centre v. Asst. CIT (Cochin) . . .
S. 37
--Business expenditure--Capital or revenue expenditure--Assessee running
tutorial institution--Purchase of books for use by students for professional
entrance examinations--Is capital expenditure--Depreciation to be allowed at 60
per cent.-- Brilliant Study Centre v. Asst. CIT (Cochin) .
. . 394
S. 40A(3) --Business expenditure--Disallowance--Payments in cash exceeding
specified limit--Finding that single transactions made to appear as multiple
transactions--Payments to be disallowed-- Brilliant Study Centre v.
Asst. CIT (Cochin) . . . 394
S. 41(1) --Business income--Remission or cessation of trading
liability--Addition--Unclaimed liabilities--No record of any remission or
cessation of trading liability--Addition to be deleted-- Dy. CIT v.
Bax Global India P. Ltd. (Delhi) . . . 414
income--Remission of liability--Bank--Amount transferred from inter-branch
transaction blocked accounts to reserves through profit and loss
account--Transfer permitted by Reserve Bank of India subject to conditions that
claim in respect of entries should be honoured and amount should not be used
for declaration of dividends--Amount not of revenue nature to begin
with--Amount not assessable under section 41(1)-- Punjab National Bank v.
Addl. CIT (Delhi) . . . 462
S. 43(5) --Loss--Set off--Loss on share transactions--Actual delivery received
by agent of assessee--Loss not speculation loss--Commissioner (Appeals)
allowing set off of loss against other heads of income--Justified-- Dy. CIT
v. Dr. S. Thilagavathy (Chennai) . . . 506
S. 50C
--Capital gains--Computation--Sale of land--Valuation by stamp valuation
authority applied--Fair market value lower than value adopted by stamp duty
authority--Direction to adopt fair market value--Justified-- ITO v.
Gita Roy (Kolkata) . . . 431
S. 68 --Cash
credits--Assessee producing details and creditor confirming loan granted to
assessee--Addition to be deleted-- ITO v. Bhagwan Dass (Chandigarh)
. . . 446
S. 263
--Revision--Powers of Commissioner--No tax effect--Order cannot be revised--
Punjab Wool Syndicate v. ITO (Chandigarh) . . . 439
Income-tax Rules, 1962 :
R. 46A
--Appeal--Additional evidence--Commissioner (Appeals) admitting new evidence
after considering facts and circumstances of case in entirety and
validly--Justified-- ITO v. Bhagwan Dass (Chandigarh) . .
. 446